Stormi Bree Henley Interview

The following is from an interview with Stormi Bree Henley, Miss Teens USA 2009.

Q: What is the craziest thing you have ever done?
A: When I was 9 year old, my entire family dropped everything and went on the road with my Dad as he played the NGA Golf Tour. We toured the U.S for 22 weeks straight, we grew so close as a family and felt so privileged to see so much of our great country! I even had a putt-off with Camillo Villegas before he went on to the PGA Tour and although he might have let me, I beat him!

Q: Do you cook and/or bake anything? If so, what are your special dishes?
A: I cook a killer Spanish casserole - it's pretty labor intensive, but it's worth it!

Q: If you were handed 10 million dollars, what would you splurge on?
A: Cars! I am a car enthusiast. I would probably buy an all black Audi R8 and after that, I would buy a house with a lot of land.

Q: If you could meet one celebrity, who would it be and why?
A: Alessandra Ambrosia. She seems like a well-rounded beautiful person and I admire what all she has achieved in her career.

Q: What is unique about you (something no other contestant can say about themselves)?
A: Although, I am certain that this is not unique only to me, I am proud of that fact that I have never consumed alcohol, smoked or used drugs. As a recent high school graduate, I faced a lot of peer pressure and exclusion to parties because of this stance, but I have never found it necessary to use drugs or alcohol to enjoy my life and have a good time!